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Latest posts on skiing, snowboarding, and snow science

How an avalanche beacon works and saves lives
An avalanche beacon is a safety device that transmits a signal that rescuers use to home in on someone buried by an avalanche.

Sick day, as in ski sickness (aka Häusler’s disease)
Ski sickness is a form of motion sickness that can strike skiers when visibility is poor in fog, whiteout, blizzards, and flat light conditions.

B is for Bomb Cyclone
From a meteorological perspective, a bomb cyclone really is the bomb.

A is for Albedo
Albedo is a measure of the fraction of solar energy that is reflected from a surface.

Ski trail ratings: green circles, blue squares, and black diamonds
The green circles, blue squares, and black diamonds that illustrate ski trail ratings were informed by Disney’s work on a proposed ski resort.

Zorb death is tragic reminder: watch your fall line!
Like a human hamster ball, a zorb is a sphere that people ride in.