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Latest posts on skiing, snowboarding, and snow science
A is for Albedo
Albedo is a measure of the fraction of solar energy that is reflected from a surface.
Ski trail ratings: green circles, blue squares, and black diamonds
The green circles, blue squares, and black diamonds that illustrate ski trail ratings were informed by Disney’s work on a proposed ski resort.
How an avalanche beacon works and saves lives
An avalanche beacon is a safety device that transmits a signal that rescuers use to home in on someone buried by an avalanche.
Why I’m launching is a free multimedia newsletter for people who love snow and want to know what’s happening with the American West’s snowpack.
Welcome to SnowSlang! is an illustrated glossary of snowboarding and ski terms and lingo.
The 9 best ski apps for iPhone and Android
Ski apps are great for tracking your alpine performance. Here’s a quick rundown of the best apps for skiing and snowboarding.